The dark side of Oz

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Fabio Rispondi citando

Registrato: 26/11/02 19:29
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MessaggioInviato: Domenica 27 Aprile 2003, 15:17:17    Oggetto: The dark side of Oz
Leggicchiando per la rete, non ricordo dove, ho appreso che, a quanto dicono, il capolavoro musicale dei Pink Floyd "The Dark Side Of The Moon" sia perfettamente sincronizzato con il celebre film di Fleming "The Wizard Of Oz".

La cosa � molto molto curiosa. Il fatto � voluto? O � una semplice casualit�? In entambi i casi � molto affascinante.
Se la cosa fosse voluta � l'ennesima conferma dell'inestimabile talento dei Pink Floyd: riuscire a creare una grandissima opera musicale sincronizzandola alla perfezione con un film penso che sia una cosa ai limiti delle possibilit� umane Wink
Se invece si tratta di una fatalit� � veramente bizzarro!

Ad ogni modo ho trovato nelle reti di filesharing un divx del film con l'audio gi� mixato cos� potr� valutare con i miei occhi ed orecchie.

Qualcuno di voi gi� sapeva questa storia?
Ed eventualmente conoscete altri "misteri musicali"? (prego astenersi leggende varie sui messaggi subliminali Wink )
..:: Fabio ::..
<i>" Io mi dico � stato meglio lasciarci
che non esserci mai incontrati... "</i>
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Fabio Rispondi citando

Registrato: 26/11/02 19:29
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Localit�: Milano / Italy

MessaggioInviato: Domenica 27 Aprile 2003, 15:46:46    Oggetto:
Ho trovato in giro qualche info... c'� chi dice che sia vero e chi che � una leggenda metropolitana... prover� Wink

Se qualcuno ha il film e il disco* e vuole provare pare sia sufficente far partire il cd esattamente al terzo ruggito del leone della warner bros.
Se eventualmente provate poi fatemi sapere Wink


For a long time, Classic Rock fans have sworn by this legend: Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, was written and recorded as an alternate soundtrack to the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz. If you play the album, while watching the film, the two synch up perfectly.

How to Synchronize Pink Floyd and the Wizard of Oz
1. Buy or rent the movie The Wizard of Oz.
2. Buy or rent the CD of Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon.
3. Put the CD in the player and press pause at the beginning of track 1.
4. Put the movie in your VCR and begin to play.
5. Turn off the sound on your television. Turn up the volume on your CD player.
6. When the MGM lion roars for the third time, unpause the CD.
7. If the credit "Produced by Mervyl Leroy" appears onscreen at the transition between "Speak to Me" and "Breathe," then you are correctly synched.
8. Sit back and enjoy!
1. Use a CD, not an album. Stopping to flip the album would mess up the synchronicity.
2. Try to think of this as one long, bizarre music video. Don't expect too much and you might be amazed.
3. End the movie after one play-through of the CD. Avoid the "looping" method to replay the CD, as anything after this point is minor and far-fetched.
Synchronicities to look for:
1. When Dorothy runs away from home, the line "No one told you when to run" from the song "Time" is heard.
2. The tornado scene begins just as "The Great Gig in the Sky" starts playing. The song lasts for the entire duration of the storm.
3. The female singer begins moaning, her voice rising and falling in time with the mood of the tornado scene.
4. When "Great Gig" ends, the first side of the album also ends (not valid when using a CD).

5. "Money" begins as Dorothy opens the door and sees Oz. The black and white part of the film ends at this point and begins in color.
6. The lyics "Don't give me that do-goody-good bullsh*t" are heard as Glinda the good witch floats down in her bubble.
7. The dancing ballerinas seem to keep time with the rhythm in "Us and Them."
8. "Brain Damage" becomes the backdrop for the scarecrow scene where he's singing "If I Only Had a Brain."
9. The album ends with a heartbeat, as Dorothy presses her ear to the Tin Man's chest to listen for a heart.


Support For This Theory

* The lyric 'Balanced on the biggest wave' coincides with Dorothy's balancing act on the fence
* 'On the Run' starts as Dorothy falls off the fence
* Chimes and Bells start ringing as the Wicked Witch appears riding her bicycle.
* During the 'Time' guitar solo, the fortune teller's sign is shown with the words "Past Present and Future"
* The Great Gig in the Sky has many incidents:
o The tornado is shown in the background as the words 'I'm am not frightened of dying' are said
o The drums start right as the wind really picks up and blows the trees from their roots.
o The singer calms down right as Dorothy is knocked unconsious by the window
o 'Great Gig in the Sky' is still playing as the house flies in the tornado
* Side 1 of the album (vinyl) is exactly as long as the black & white portion of the film
* The cash register in Money is heard right as color is seen in Oz (money = color)
* Incidents in 'Us and Them':
o The ballerinas enter on 'Us, us, us, us'
o One ballerina seems to lip sync 'ordinary men'
o Three men enter on 'Me, me, me'
o One kid's jerking motions are in sync with the music
o 'Forward he cried' is sung as Dorothy looks turns to face forward
o The Wicked Witch appears on 'Black, black'
o On 'Blue, blue, blue,' the camera switches to Dorothy (in her blue dress)
o 'And who knows which is which and who is who' is sung right when the Wicked Witch of the West looks at the recently killed Wicked Witch of the East. Note the play on words "Which is Which" vs "Witch is Witch"
o The Witch is up a the platform on 'Up, up' and then walks down on 'Down, down, down'
o As 'And in the End' is sung, the Wicked Witch of the East disappears
o On 'Out, out, out,' the good Witch of the North leaves
* 'Brain Damage' plays as the Scarecrow sings 'If I Only Had a Brain'
* Heartbeat heard at the end of the album is heard as Dorothy listens at the Tin Man's chest

* Se non avete il film siete giustificati. Se non avete il disco, o peggio non l'avete mai sentito, datemi il vostro indirizzo che vengo direttamente a giustiziarvi a domicilio Wink
..:: Fabio ::..
<i>" Io mi dico � stato meglio lasciarci
che non esserci mai incontrati... "</i>
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Barbara Rispondi citando

Registrato: 26/11/02 19:29
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Localit�: Iglesias-CA-

MessaggioInviato: Domenica 27 Aprile 2003, 16:16:43    Oggetto:


cmq � vero quel cd BISOGNA averlo Wink

"Solo la fotografia ha saputo dividere la vita umana in una serie di attimi, ognuno dei quali ha il valore di una intera esistenza..."
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GUILE Rispondi citando

Registrato: 26/11/02 19:29
Messaggi: 37
Localit�: --Milano--

MessaggioInviato: Domenica 27 Aprile 2003, 19:08:45    Oggetto:
Shocked Azz!!!!...questa notizia di Fabio mi ha scioccato! Non lo sapevo proprio! Shocked
Devo procurarmi il film x provare Exclamation

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Fabio Rispondi citando

Registrato: 26/11/02 19:29
Messaggi: 747
Localit�: Milano / Italy

MessaggioInviato: Marted� 20 Mag 2003, 20:35:11    Oggetto:
Sono riuscito a recuperare il film... sulla rete edonkey si trova gi� bello e mixato con le musiche del disco (ed2k://|file|Dark.Side.of.Oz.avi|740845568|0D9A098DC7FBE1AB59154DB262FC759E|/ x chi se lo vuole scaricare) e per scrupolo mi sono anche procurato il film originale. Effettivamente il sincronismo c'�. Non � nulla di eccezionale ma in alcuni punti sembra proprio che la musica si fonda perfettamente col video.

Insomma � un'esperienza da provare assolutamente Wink

La mia prossima missione sar� mettere finalmente a posto l'hi-fi x godermi il film con il sacd di Dark side of the moon in dts Wink se qualcuno vuole venire a casa mia a godersi lo spettacolo � invitato Very Happy
..:: Fabio ::..
<i>" Io mi dico � stato meglio lasciarci
che non esserci mai incontrati... "</i>
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